Product Manager: Skills, Opportunities, and More

The role of a product manager is increasingly becoming one of the most sought-after positions in…

Python Programming

Python, often regarded as one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages, has gained immense popularity in…

The Voice of Customer and Business Success

The Power of the Voice of Customer (VoC) The Voice of Customer, often abbreviated as VoC,…

Social Media Managers: Daily Duties and Responsibilities

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, social media has become a powerhouse of communication, engagement, and brand…

Leading Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as essential tools for businesses to assess their progress, make informed…

Key Performance Indicators: Full understanding

Success is not just about achieving targets but also about measuring progress and adapting to changing…

My Journey as a Supply Chain Manager

Introduction Embarking on a new chapter in my career as a Supply Chain Manager was an…

Toxic manager: My Journey from Motivation to Demotivation

Introduction My career transition from engineering to a sales management role was filled with optimism and…

Pivoting Careers: My Journey in Navigating the Transition

Introduction Changing the country where I lived was a monumental decision that brought with it both…

My Journey as an Over Performing Employee

Introduction Embarking on a career as a design engineer in Europe as a foreigner was a…