My Journey of Understanding Over Memorization


Technical studies, particularly engineering, is often perceived as a landscape dominated by equations, formulas, and the arduous task of memorization. For someone like me, who values understanding over rote learning, the journey through this field has been both challenging and rewarding. In this article, I will share my personal experiences and insights into pursuing a technical education while emphasizing the importance of understanding over memorization. Additionally, I will explore how different personalities and learning preferences shape one’s choices in this field.

Embracing the Technical Field

Engineering and other technical disciplines are known for their problem-solving nature and their role in shaping the world around us. The allure of creating, designing, and innovating drew me to this field from an early age. I was captivated by the idea of unraveling the mysteries of the physical world, from the laws of thermodynamics to the intricacies of circuitry.

The Dilemma of Memorization

As I ventured further into my technical studies, I encountered the prevalent approach of memorization. Textbooks were filled with equations to be memorized, and exams seemed like tests of one’s ability to regurgitate facts and formulas. This posed a significant dilemma for someone who cherished the process of understanding the underlying principles.

The Importance of Understanding

Understanding is the cornerstone of true learning. It allows us to grasp the essence of a concept, enabling us to apply it to various situations and even innovate upon it. Memorization, on the other hand, is a short-lived endeavor, often resulting in superficial knowledge that fades with time. Understanding promotes long-term retention and critical thinking, essential qualities for anyone in the technical field.

A Personal Journey

My Background and Passion

My journey into the technical field began with a deep-seated passion for understanding how things work. From taking apart household appliances to conducting simple experiments, I was driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

The Early Struggles

However, my initial years in technical education were far from smooth. I often found myself grappling with the pressure to memorize and regurgitate information. The joy of learning was overshadowed by the looming specter of exams and grades.

Discovering the Joy of Understanding

It was during a particularly challenging course on thermodynamics that I had an epiphany. Instead of memorizing the myriad equations, I decided to focus on grasping the underlying principles. This shift in approach not only made the subject more enjoyable but also led to a significant improvement in my performance.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

People have diverse natures, personalities, and learning preferences. These differences play a crucial role in how individuals navigate the technical field and make choices along the way.

The Analytical Minds

Some individuals possess an innate aptitude for analytical thinking. They excel in deciphering complex problems, breaking them down into manageable parts, and arriving at solutions. Understanding comes naturally to them, and they thrive in the technical world.

The Creative Explorers

On the other end of the spectrum are the creative explorers. They approach technical challenges with a desire to innovate and experiment. While they value understanding, they may sometimes struggle with the rigid structures of traditional technical education.

The Balanced Approach

Many individuals fall somewhere in between, striking a balance between analytical thinking and creative exploration. They adapt their approach based on the specific challenges they encounter.

The Impact of Learning Preferences

In Academia

Understanding the diversity of learning preferences is essential in academia. Educators should strive to create a balanced learning environment that accommodates various approaches. This includes fostering an atmosphere where students can ask questions, engage in discussions, and explore concepts deeply.

In Professional Life

In the professional world, the ability to understand and apply knowledge is highly valued. Employers seek individuals who can tackle complex problems with a deep understanding of the underlying principles. This places those who prioritize understanding at an advantage.

Striking a Balance

While understanding is paramount, it doesn’t mean that memorization has no place in the technical field. Memorization can serve as a tool to facilitate understanding. Key formulas, constants, and concepts are often worth committing to memory as they become building blocks for deeper comprehension.


My journey through the technical field has been a testament to the power of understanding over memorization. It has reinforced the idea that true learning goes beyond rote recitation of facts and formulas. It involves delving into the core principles, exploring their applications, and fostering a lifelong curiosity.

In this field, choices are shaped not only by one’s nature and personality but also by their commitment to understanding. Whether you lean towards analytical thinking, creative exploration, or strike a balance between the two, your ability to comprehend and apply knowledge will ultimately define your success in the technical arena. As we continue to advance and innovate, may we never lose sight of the profound significance of understanding in the pursuit of knowledge and excellence.