Pivoting Careers: My Journey in Navigating the Transition


Changing the country where I lived was a monumental decision that brought with it both excitement and challenges. Among the many adjustments required, one of the most significant was adapting my career trajectory. Having worked as an engineer for years, I decided to explore a new field and embrace the role of a sales manager. In this article, I will recount my personal journey, detailing the obstacles and benefits I encountered during this transition.

The Decision to Change Career Paths

A Fresh Start

Moving to a new country offered a fresh start and a clean slate. It was an opportunity to reinvent myself and explore career options that I had not previously considered.

A Desire for Diversity

The allure of a new culture and the chance to work in a different field were irresistible. I yearned for diversity in my career and personal experiences.

Obstacles Encountered

Skills Gap

Transitioning from engineering to sales management required acquiring a new skill set. I had to familiarize myself with sales strategies, customer relationship management, and the art of persuasion.

Rejection and Uncertainty

Job hunting in a new field brought its share of rejections and uncertainty. It was a humbling experience to start from scratch and compete with individuals who had years of sales experience.

Cultural Differences

Navigating the nuances of a new culture presented a unique challenge. Understanding customer behaviors, cultural norms, and business etiquette required a steep learning curve.

Resilience and Patience

The transition was emotionally taxing, and it was crucial to maintain resilience and patience. Coping with setbacks and staying motivated during the job search was a daily struggle.

Benefits Realized

Broadened Horizons

The switch to sales management broadened my horizons. I interacted with a diverse clientele and developed a global perspective on business.

Enhanced Communication

My role in sales sharpened my communication skills. I became adept at conveying complex ideas in a simple and persuasive manner, a skill that proved valuable in various aspects of life.

Adaptability and Versatility

The adaptability I cultivated during this transition became a prized trait. It enabled me to pivot quickly in response to changing market conditions and customer demands.

Career Progression

Surprisingly, my career progression in sales was rapid. I was entrusted with leadership roles and tasked with managing sales teams. The dedication I poured into my new career began to bear fruit.

Navigating the Transition: Advice for Career Changers

1. Self-Assessment

Before making a career change, conduct a thorough self-assessment. Identify transferable skills and strengths that can be applied in the new field.

2. Skill Development

Invest time in acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. Enroll in courses, attend workshops, and seek mentorship to bridge the skills gap.

3. Networking

Build a strong network within the industry you aim to enter. Attend industry events, conferences, and seminars to connect with professionals and gain insights.

4. Persistence

Expect setbacks and rejection along the way. Persistence is key. Use each setback as a learning opportunity and a stepping stone toward success.

5. Embrace Change

Embrace change as a source of growth and personal development. Be open to new experiences and don’t shy away from challenges.


Changing my career from engineering to sales management in a new country was a transformative experience. It tested my adaptability, patience, and resilience, but it also broadened my horizons, enhanced my communication skills, and accelerated my career progression.

For those considering a career change, I encourage you to embark on the journey with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth, and remember that each step taken in a new direction brings you closer to a more enriched and versatile professional life.