Social Media Managers: Daily Duties and Responsibilities

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, social media has become a powerhouse of communication, engagement, and brand representation. Behind the scenes, social media managers play a pivotal role in curating and disseminating content, engaging with audiences, and shaping a brand’s online identity. This in-depth article delves into the daily tasks and responsibilities of social media managers, highlighting the versatility and expertise required for this multifaceted role and mainly answering the question: what does social media managers do?

Creating and Curating Content

One of the core responsibilities of social media managers is content creation and curation. This encompasses developing engaging and relevant content to share across various social platforms.

Content Planning

Social media managers start their day by planning the content to be posted. They often create content calendars, ensuring a well-balanced mix of content types, from text and images to videos and infographics.

Content Creation

Whether writing compelling captions, designing graphics, or shooting videos, social media managers are hands-on content creators. They ensure that the content aligns with the brand’s voice and goals.

Scheduling and Publishing Posts

Timing is crucial in social media, and social media managers use scheduling tools to ensure that posts go live when they will have the most impact.

Scheduling Tools

They rely on social media management platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social to schedule and automate posts across various platforms.

Adherence to Posting Schedule

Staying on top of the posting schedule is essential. Social media managers make sure content is published at the right times to reach the target audience.

Audience Engagement

Engaging with the audience is a fundamental part of a social media manager’s role. This goes beyond just posting content; it involves responding to comments, messages, and sparking conversations.

Responding to Comments and Messages

Social media managers monitor comments and messages, responding promptly to questions, feedback, or concerns. They often employ pre-determined response guidelines.

Community Building

They work on building a community around the brand. This means encouraging interactions among followers, fostering discussions, and creating a sense of belonging.

Analytics and Performance Tracking

Evaluating the performance of social media efforts is crucial to making data-driven decisions and optimizing strategies.

Analytics Tools

Social media managers use analytics tools like Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, and Instagram Insights to track metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and click-through rates.

Performance Reports

They prepare performance reports based on data collected, providing insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.

Social Advertising

Paid social advertising is a vital component of many social media strategies. Social media managers often handle ad campaigns to boost reach and conversions.

Campaign Setup

They design and set up ad campaigns on platforms like Facebook Ads Manager or LinkedIn Advertising.

Budget Management

Social media managers allocate budgets for advertising and optimize spending to achieve the best results.

Crisis Management

Crisis management is a challenging aspect of the role. Social media managers must be prepared to handle negative comments, PR crises, and other unexpected issues.

Swift Responses

In case of negative comments or crises, they need to respond promptly and professionally, often in alignment with a crisis communication plan.

Reputation Management

They work to maintain and restore the brand’s reputation while minimizing damage during crises.

Influencer Collaboration

Collaborating with influencers can be a powerful way to extend a brand’s reach. Social media managers often identify and work with influencers in their niche.

Identifying Influencers

They research and identify influencers whose audience aligns with the brand.

Negotiation and Collaboration

Social media managers negotiate partnerships and collaborations with influencers, ensuring that the content resonates with the brand’s messaging.

Stay Updated with Trends

The digital landscape is continually evolving, and social media managers must stay updated with the latest trends, algorithms, and platform changes.

Continuous Learning

They invest time in continuous learning, attend webinars, read industry blogs, and participate in professional development.

Adaptation to Changes

Social media managers adapt strategies and content based on changing trends and algorithms to maintain a competitive edge.

Team Collaboration

In many organizations, social media managers work in collaboration with graphic designers, copywriters, and marketing teams.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

They coordinate with various teams to ensure that social media efforts align with overall marketing and branding strategies.

Content Approval

Content often requires approval from stakeholders, and social media managers facilitate the approval process.

Reporting and Documentation

Social media managers maintain records and documentation of their strategies and campaigns for future reference and analysis.

Strategy Documents

They document their social media strategies, content plans, and campaign details.

Post-Campaign Reports

After the conclusion of campaigns, social media managers generate reports outlining key metrics, achievements, and areas for improvement.

Time Management

Effective time management is a crucial skill. Social media managers must juggle multiple tasks, adhere to schedules, and maintain a consistent online presence.

Task Prioritization

They prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines to ensure efficient use of their time.

Adherence to Schedules

Sticking to content schedules and posting times is essential for audience engagement and consistency.

Networking and Relationship Building

Building relationships with influencers, industry peers, and followers is an integral part of the role.

Engaging with Peers

They actively engage with other social media professionals, sharing insights and best practices.

Fostering Brand Loyalty

Social media managers create a loyal following by engaging with followers and fostering a sense of community.


The role of social media managers is multifaceted and dynamic, requiring a diverse skill set that includes content creation, analytics, crisis management, and a deep understanding of online trends. They serve as the bridge between brands and their digital audiences, shaping online identities and facilitating meaningful interactions. The success of a brand in the digital realm is often a reflection of the dedication and expertise of its social media managers.