Toxic manager: My Journey from Motivation to Demotivation


My career transition from engineering to a sales management role was filled with optimism and ambition. However, this journey also introduced me to a manager whose leadership style was marred by laziness, dishonesty, and manipulation. In this article, I will share my personal experience, highlighting the challenges of working under a disengaged and deceitful manager, the demotivating impact on both me and the team, and the eventual decision to seek better opportunities elsewhere.

The Promise of Change

Embracing a New Role

Transitioning from engineering to sales management was driven by a thirst for new challenges and professional growth. I was eager to make a meaningful impact in my new role and contribute to the team’s success.

The First Red Flags

Early on, I noticed signs that our team leader was not aligned with our goals. His laziness was evident in his lack of involvement and hands-on leadership. Instead of actively participating, he seemed content to delegate without follow-through.

Challenges Faced

1. Discrepancy in Motivation

My high motivation stood in stark contrast to my manager’s apathy. His lack of enthusiasm and refusal to lead by example created a disparity in motivation within the team. This disconnection between leadership and team spirit was palpable.

2. Dealing with Dishonesty

My manager’s dishonesty exacerbated the challenges. He consistently portrayed a rosy picture of our team’s performance to superiors, even when the reality was far from impressive. This culture of deceit eroded trust among team members.

3. Undermining Team Morale

The manager’s sneaky tactics to undermine team morale were particularly demotivating. He subtly discredited innovative ideas and initiatives, instilling doubt and skepticism among team members.

4. The Push to the Corner

Recognizing my motivation, my manager attempted to push me into a corner position within the team. His goal was to silence my voice and isolate me from decision-making processes. This strategy aimed to stifle my influence and innovation.

The Ripple Effect: Demotivation Spreads

1. A Dispirited Team

As the toxic atmosphere persisted, the entire team experienced a decline in morale. Motivated team members began questioning their commitment to the organization, while less motivated individuals saw no reason to improve.

2. Departures and Resignations

The toxic environment led to a series of resignations within the team. Talented colleagues sought better opportunities, unwilling to endure the detrimental leadership any longer. The loss of valuable team members exacerbated the challenges we faced.

3. Impact on Performance

The team’s performance suffered as motivation waned. Productivity declined, and achieving targets became increasingly challenging. The toxic leadership had a direct and adverse impact on the bottom line.

Seeking Better Opportunities with a Focus on Good Leadership

1. Recognizing the Need for Change

As the situation deteriorated, I recognized the need for change. The toxic environment was eroding my own motivation and passion for the role. I knew I needed to seek better opportunities that aligned with my aspirations.

2. The Search for a New Path

I embarked on a job search, seeking a role that offered a healthier work environment and supportive leadership. My motivation and ambition were still intact, but I needed a workplace where they could thrive.

3. The Importance of a Good Manager

During my job search, I realized the critical role a good manager plays in one’s career satisfaction. I made it a priority to evaluate potential employers not only for the job itself but also for the quality of leadership.

4. Aligning Values from the First Interview

In interviews with potential employers, I actively sought signs of strong leadership. I asked questions about management styles, team dynamics, and how they supported and motivated their employees. This helped me align my values with the company’s culture from the very beginning.


My journey from engineering to sales management was a rollercoaster ride, characterized by the challenges posed by a toxic and disengaged manager. The disparity in motivation, dishonesty, and undermining tactics took a toll on both me and the team, leading to departures and a decline in performance.

Recognizing the need for change, I sought better opportunities that aligned with my aspirations and values. The experience taught me the profound impact of leadership on motivation and team dynamics. It underscored the importance of a supportive and ethical leadership style in fostering a thriving and motivated workforce. By prioritizing good leadership in my job search, I found a workplace where my motivation could flourish, allowing me to reignite my passion for my career and set a positive course for the future.